• 💻 Next.js is caching images, even from 3rd party sources. Very convenient! Currently running Kirby on local PHP and Next via Yarn. I’m not dealing with CORS in my free time, no sir. Enough of that at work. Will try to do all Next-requests server-side.

  • 💻 Managed to update DevLids’ KirbyCMS to the latest version and connect NextJS, all local, via an API plugin which I already had in Kirby.

  • This git-command is a live-saver for late timesheet-bookers:

    git log --since="7 days ago" --until="now" --author=nio --all

  • 💻 About one or two years ago (I really don’t remember) I switched the color-scheme in my main editor (VSC) to a grayscale-scheme. Instantly liked it and didn’t change it ever since. Currently using the Go Mono font, too. I keep switching between that and Liberation Mono, which I saw Casey Muratory using a while ago.

    github.com/be5invis/… go.dev/blog/go-f… www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/lib…

  • I wonder if we (in IT and consulting) will ever return to any form of regulated attendance, where one has to be here or there for whatever reason. I used to prefer the office over home-office, but that changed after some time (> 1 year at least) getting used to.

  • Friday-afternoon is my most productive time. Usually no meetings, nobody needs help. There’s a “let’s finish this thing” vibe in the air.

  • 💻 Petite-Vue is a lighter version of Vue.js, which can be just dropped into an html-document. Its purpose is “sprinkling” interactivity onto existing server-rendered pages. github.com/vuejs/pet…

  • Today I’m 14 years on Twitter. I’m happy that they don’t show you your first tweets, though. How often does a person change completely in 14 years?

  • 🎮 Played a little Elden today (30 minutes). Ended up at two sealed gates and no idea how to continue. Neither feel like googling nor like spending time searching. Will probably play Chinatown Detective Agency next.

  • MacOS Safari does not display the page-title of the active tab.

  • 💻 I feel like a grandpa reading the Remix-docs remix.run/docs/en/v…

  • 🎮 I’m sure it prepares you for overcoming IRL challenges in a way. Maybe kids and youth does need that lesson, and if they learn it in a game, great. I can only speak for myself, and when I beat a boss after 5-50 tries, after the first “Yissss!” has faded I only see the coming bosses who are probably much harder and will take even more of my limited time.

  • 🎮 I never understood the toxic and annoying fandom with Souls games. And how folks keep celebrating the overcoming of challenges that are thrown at the player. Did they ever, well, practise a thing? An instrument? Drawing? It’s all the same. But with a game, the acquired skill doesn’t really have lots of use AFK. Unless one is a streamer ofc.

  • 🎮 Also since having kids, I got super-picky and annoyed with games that are wasting my time. Not being able to save a game when I want. Games that corrupt my savegame unrecoverably (Halo Inf. (12 hrs in), AC: Valhalla, Immortals Fenyx R. (14 hrs. in).

  • 🎮 And ultimately the question is, why invest so much time and energy in something that may be fun sometimes, but in the end doesn’t have any benefits. Actual work is paid, at least.

  • 🎮 Nowadays I have around 30-60 Minutes a day for gaming. Sometimes a bit more. Less on weekends. For ER there needs to be mental energy left, too, which is not always the case.

  • 🎮 I like Elden Ring a lot, more than any other Soulsborne. On the other hand I would have to continue playing for months to get to a level where it gets fun, let alone finish it. Not sure if I’d rather play smaller games instead. So much good stuff coming out these days.

  • If you ever wonder how good the Tiktok-Algos are, open it in a new private Browser and scroll through that. Night and day.

  • “Java is a boilerplate-driven language for writing instant legacy-code” www.youtube.com/watch

  • On the other hand, when I do have a concrete idea, I prefer not to use any new tech, but prefer to use something I have experience in, to get it done/out quickly.

  • I often feel the urge to try out new languages, game-engines, frameworks etc. but the interest almost always wanes after getting a first idea of the thing, because I have no ideas for projects.

  • Is Meteor still a thing? Note to self: look up.

  • For full-stack I find it annoying to work on two projects, back- and front-end at the same time. Ofc there is the “classic” server-rendering, but I do feel like the ideal situation is to have one codebase and a permanent connection between browser and server. (The hypothetical use-case here is a side-project with me as only dev)

  • Asking around some more I came to the conclusion that one should stick to client-only-use with Next.js. I guess something like Elixir/Phoenix with LiveView is the closest thing to my preferred structure/architecture.

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