2022-04-10: 💻 Next.js is caching images, even from 3rd party sources. Very convenient! Currently running Kirby …

2022-04-09: 💻 Managed to update DevLids’ KirbyCMS to the latest version and connect NextJS, all local, via …

2022-04-08: This git-command is a live-saver for late timesheet-bookers: git log --since="7 days ago" …

2022-04-08: 💻 About one or two years ago (I really don’t remember) I switched the color-scheme in my main …

2022-04-08: I wonder if we (in IT and consulting) will ever return to any form of regulated attendance, where …

2022-04-08: Friday-afternoon is my most productive time. Usually no meetings, nobody needs help. There’s a …

2022-04-08: 💻 Petite-Vue is a lighter version of Vue.js, which can be just dropped into an html-document. Its …

2022-04-08: Today I’m 14 years on Twitter. I’m happy that they don’t show you your first …

2022-04-07: There are 36 kinds of stories. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thirty-Six_Dramatic_Situations

2022-04-07: 🎮 Played a little Elden today (30 minutes). Ended up at two sealed gates and no idea how to …

2022-04-07: MacOS Safari does not display the page-title of the active tab.

2022-04-07: 💻 I feel like a grandpa reading the Remix-docs remix.run/docs/en/v…

2022-04-07: 🎮 I’m sure it prepares you for overcoming IRL challenges in a way. Maybe kids and youth does …

2022-04-07: 🎮 I never understood the toxic and annoying fandom with Souls games. And how folks keep celebrating …

2022-04-07: 🎮 Also since having kids, I got super-picky and annoyed with games that are wasting my time. Not …

2022-04-07: 🎮 And ultimately the question is, why invest so much time and energy in something that may be fun …

2022-04-07: 🎮 Nowadays I have around 30-60 Minutes a day for gaming. Sometimes a bit more. Less on weekends. For …

2022-04-07: 🎮 I like Elden Ring a lot, more than any other Soulsborne. On the other hand I would have to …

2022-04-07: If you ever wonder how good the Tiktok-Algos are, open it in a new private Browser and scroll …

2022-04-07: “Java is a boilerplate-driven language for writing instant legacy-code” …

2022-04-07: On the other hand, when I do have a concrete idea, I prefer not to use any new tech, but prefer to …

2022-04-07: I often feel the urge to try out new languages, game-engines, frameworks etc. but the interest …

2022-04-06: Is Meteor still a thing? Note to self: look up.

2022-04-06: For full-stack I find it annoying to work on two projects, back- and front-end at the same time. Ofc …

2022-04-06: Asking around some more I came to the conclusion that one should stick to client-only-use with …

2022-04-06: I guess the actual question is, whether it’s able to keep a state in sync with the front-end. …

2022-04-06: Starting to look into Next.js and similar approaches. I wonder if it’s possible to do stuff on …

2022-04-05: Hello, Sailor!